My Historical Item

2 min readFeb 1, 2021
My Grandfathers Trumpet

I had a difficult time debating whether or not I should choose this particular item as I feel somewhat strange with my submissions being so music oriented alongside the fact that I was unsure where our unit would fit in with it. However, this trumpet is not only quite literally the only thing I personally own from my Grandpa but he himself inherited from his Grandparents and became the musically inclined trucker he was. As far back as I can recall my family has always been filled with musicians who would spend most of their time honing their skills on their instruments day by day.

This item stands out to me personally because it reminds me of the lost family members and the stories they would tell with their songs. It seems a little bittersweet to be describing sounds I only wish I could have heard but it serves as an excellent motivator for when I am struggling to overcome a new technique or piece of music while I pursue my own goals.

I myself play piano and the only experience I have playing something similar was a saxophone, briefly. Regardless, music is a language of its own and with the cultural significance associated with music it is my belief we could learn more about the way our ancestors lived or what they felt was important enough to sing about. I was speaking to my mom about this particular assignment and asking what types of songs our relatives used to play. She told me, her aunt use to grab an acoustic guitar almost every night when she was a little girl and would sing one particular song in a story format that scared the kids into never talking to strangers. This is one song that comes to mind but apparently, a few of my even more distant relatives would sing alongside these melodies they would create and they would range from all sorts of moods and messages that were meant to be taken away from the song.

